An insightful, creative branding blog that helps transform ordinary companies into iconic brands.

Most branding blogs are written for branding professionals and corporate marketing executives. This one’s different. Browse through the Brand Insight Blog and you’ll find deep, insightful content that’s packed full of practical advice, ideas, and examples that you can put to work immediately in your small business.

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Be Named

How to choose a brand name you can bank on.

At some point in time, every entrepreneur, every marketing director and every business owner will need a name — for something. Might be a new product. Maybe an entirely new business, or a side hustle. Maybe you need a name for a blog or a company podcast. Maybe you’ve written a book that needs a catchy title. In every case, a brilliant name…

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Take your next agency for a spin.

You wouldn’t buy a BMW without getting behind the wheel. You have no idea what it can do. Same with BN Branding. So let’s go for a test drive… just one small assignment to prove how well we handle whatever you throw at us.

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