Our strategic branding services vary from client to client, but results are constant.

We solve all sorts of branding problems, from macro strategy to micro scripts. One client wants a brand image for his start-up. Another needs packaging and advertising. There are videos to write and produce, websites to design, campaigns to run and new brands to launch. Every new clients gets bespoke branding services – not cookie cutter creative.

Brand Strategy —
It’s not a no-brainer.

You can’t build an iconic brand without a solid strategy. And without insight, there is no strategy. 

So we go deep into your market, your operation, your products, heritage, culture and customers to provide game-changing insight. 

And we don’t stop there… Unlike consulting firms, we also help you execute the strategy we deliver.

It’s a sensible combination of strategic branding services; Insight first, then execution. Strategy, then tactics. Perfectly aligned. 

strategic branding services from BN Branding
Brand Identity Development for Smidge / Golfing

Brand Identity Development — Logo, schmogo!

Your logo, typography and color palate are important elements of your brand identity, but it takes more than just design to build an iconic Brand.

Our brand of Brand Identity Design goes way beyond logos. It starts with a clear brand strategy, a great brand name, and a good story to tell. It’s a words first approach that’s way more valuable than design alone.

Your takeaway is a brilliant collection of words, images, ideas, art and design that work seamlessly together… Strategy. Story. Then design. 

branding services BN Branding

“I really appreciate the art and craftsmanship of the branding services at BN Branding.Their design work is meticulous and very well thought out, and they’re consummate professionals… always deliver what they say they’re going to deliver. I would definitely recommend them.”

Lisa Slayman CEO, Slayman Cinema

Lisa Slayman
CEO, Slayman Cinema

“As a CFO, I’m pretty leery of branding firms. But these guys have a process that makes sense. Plus, they look for ways to save money, not just spend it. I wish we would have spent more with BN Branding, and less with the other firms we’ve hired.”

Carl Rigney CFO and Franchise Owner

Carl Rigney
CFO and Franchise Owner

Advertising — Win the heart and the mind will follow.

With BN Branding handling the messaging strategy and creative execution, your next ad campaign will get noticed, tweeted and talked up. 

No matter what form it takes… Digital, TV, print, radio, you name it. 

Across the board, you’ll get compelling, unforgettable ads that get noticed and produce results. 

Branding Services that get you noticed. BN Branding
Advertising Example - Smidge
Packaging Design - Bend Oregon

Packaging Design — Beyond the visual.

Strikingly different design can be a powerful strategic advantage. Especially when it comes to your packaging. 

Great packaging design catches the eye, stops shoppers in their tracks, and moves product off the shelf. So you get exceptional velocity in every retail location. 

It’s more than just pretty pictures. 

branding services that make your products unique. BN Branding

Website Development –
What’s the big idea? 

Redoing an old, outdated website can be a monstrous project. You want a nicer design and better functionality without losing any of that SEO value you’ve built over the years. 

We can help you make sense of it. 

First we provide a clear strategic roadmap for what you need to say and show. Then we provide a big idea, the content, the programming and the design. It’s a team effort.

Eathos Website Design

Take your next agency for a spin.

You wouldn’t buy a BMW without getting behind the wheel. You have no idea what it can do. Same with BN Branding. So let’s go for a test drive… just one small assignment to prove how well we handle whatever you throw at us.

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