An insightful, creative branding blog that helps transform ordinary companies into iconic brands.
Most branding blogs are written for branding professionals and corporate marketing executives. This one’s different. Browse through the Brand Insight Blog and you’ll find deep, insightful content that’s packed full of practical advice, ideas, and examples that you can put to work immediately in your small business.
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Fresh off the printing press
Differentiation vs. Distinctiveness – What’s more important for marketing?
Marketing professors, gurus and know-it-all social media commentators love arguing over the latest marketing terms, like differentiation vs. distinctiveness. Some say “forget about differentiation, now it’s all about distinctiveness.” Give me a break. How could differentiation possibly be bad for business? The two terms are almost synonymous. You say tomato I say tomahto. If you had to choose between distinctiveness and differentiation, focus…
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About the author
John Furgurson is a brand strategist, creative director, copywriter and published author living in the very livable town of Bend, Oregon. He’s an ad agency veteran and owner of BN Branding..