The BN Branding Process

Our step-by-step branding process saves you time, eliminates false starts, and maximizes your marketing budget.

Branding is a broad, misunderstood discipline that touches every aspect of your business. So we break it all down, and walk you through it. One affordable step at a time.

Our disciplined, words-first branding process begins with strategic thinking and message development. Because no amount of design wizardry will help if you don’t start with a solid, well-defined brand strategy. Schedule a phone call to learn more. 

It’s your brand. You choose where to start.

Many of our clients approach us for a name, a new website or a re-fresh of their brand identity. And that’s great. We’re happy to help. But we’d be doing you a DIS-service if we didn’t back up, for just a moment, to cover some of the preliminary steps you may have missed…

Branding Process Step 1:  Research & Discovery

Our research and discovery efforts will provide actionable insight on the realities of your market, the competitive situation, the consumer, your corporate culture and any operational issues that can affect your branding efforts. We apply the same process to even the smallest clients, but the depth and extent of our research is dictated by your budget.


Branding Process Step 2: Brand Strategy

We use that insight to clarify your brand strategy. This is the foundation of your long term branding efforts, so it’s important to be completely honest and to spell it out very clearly.

Our brand strategy document is designed to be the bible of your brand, and a long-term asset for your company. The goal here is to eliminate any confusion and hone in a one, specific value proposition and story line for your brand that you can deliver on, every day.


Branding Process Step 3: Brand Identity Development

With the brand strategy as a guide, we will come up with a name and a graphic that work magically together to become an iconic symbol in your particular niche.

Namestorming, by itself, is a tremendously valuable exercise, especially for start-up brands. You can’t just take an existing name and add ly to the end. You need a name that’s memorable AND protectable. Because you don’t want to have to go back to the drawing board one year later due to trademark issues.


Step 4: Website Development

For most companies your website is still the centerpiece of your online presence. Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn and all the other channels drive interested prospects to the website.

Our web development work flows naturally from the strategy and design thinking that’s done up front.  Using visual cues from the brand identity design, we plan, program, design and deploy a website that will move the needle on three important fronts: Differentiation, Relevance and Credibility. These are the fundamentals of branding in a digital world.

Step 5: Marketing Planning

This is critically important these days because the marketing landscape is changing rapidly. And there’s always more tactical stuff to do than there is budget. We can’t solve all your marketing problems. And chances are, you can’t manage every detail either. It has to be a team effort. We’ll help you sort through all the “marketing opportunities” and deliver a tactical marketing plan that’s focused,  fiscally responsible, and most importantly, doable.


branding sites that sellStep 6: Tactical Execution

We’re not done when the identity is designed and the website is up. We stick with you and make sure your marketing tactics are implemented according to plan, and in a memorable way.

It’s the on-going branding effort that will maintain your visibility in the market place and help new customers find you.  You’ll get better results, with fewer headaches.

Learn more about us, and about our process, with one simple phone call. Schedule your call today.


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