Link/Advertise/Write for the Brand Insight Blog

Started in 2007, The Brand Insight Blog is one of the longest running, most credible sources of branding and marketing information on the web.

It’s no wonder we get dozens of blind requests every day from people looking to leverage that authority. Lots of people want to ride on our coattails and write for the Brand Insight Blog.

There ARE opportunities here — for the right brands.

But to be honest, we’re very selective about the brand affiliations we choose. Most requests are ill timed, poorly researched and completely worthless. This is our stock reply to most guest-blogging email inquiries:

I don’t know who you are.

I don’t know your company. You have no brand recognition.

I don’t know what your company stands for. You have no reputation in the marketplace. No cred whatsoever.

I don’t know if you can write worth a hoot. You missed a chance to demonstrate that you can. 

I don’t know if you have any actual experience.  Have you done any marketing, or just written about it?

I don’t know that you’ve done your homework. Nothing in this pitch proves you have.


research for branding strategiesSorry if this sounds harsh, but we have to weed out the cooks and the crooks and the hail-mary pitches from people who know nothing about the subject at hand.

On the other hand, if you’re a credible expert in the marketing or creative fields, and you have a unique POV to share, we’d love to hear from you.

Please use the Contact form to submit your story pitch.




If you want to write for the Brand Insight Blog:

Guest-post submissions are the most frequent request. I get it… a lot of writers would love to have our brand in their portfolio of published works.

And a lot of companies are looking for high-authority links in the B-to-B space.

The average cost for this type of linking-through-guest-post-content is $360. And SEO specialists charge three times that to chase down linking opportunities like this.

Our Guest Post fee is $429.

That’s if the article arrives well-researched and polished to perfection.
Our editing fee is $349. Payable through PayPal.


Here are some friendly writer’s guidelines that’ll improve your chances dramatically if you choose the guest-post approach:

• Re-read the stock reply copy above before you write your pitch letter.

It better address those issues head on. If you’ve never worked in the marketing industry, you better have some very strong sources you can cite.

• Read the details below about the Brand Insight Blog audience.

Demonstrate that you know something about this niche. Don’t pitch something that’s designed to appeal to “all women, 19 to 54.”

• Read at least five or six of our blog posts.

You need to get a clear sense of the Brand Insight Blog style and our areas of interest. Generic, regurgitated topics like “5 ways to improve your marketing” will never have a chance.

• Toss out anything that’s been previously published.

Every article on the Brand Insight Blog is original content. And 90% is evergreen. So avoid trends and timely posts that won’t play well five years later.

Please use the Contact form to submit your story pitch.


choosing a name for your company BN BrandingIf want to advertise on the Brand Insight Blog:

You’re probably out of luck. As you can see — if you’ve read any of our articles —  this is an advertising free zone.

Our readers don’t want crappy looking banner ads popping up five times in every post. So we don’t belong to any of the popular digital advertising markets.

However, if a highly relevant brand comes with a very specific advertising proposal, then we’ll be happy to listen. We might even make an exception and create a premium position or a long-term sponsorship opportunity.

If you just want to buy a link.

Sometimes the whole guest-post approach is not worth the effort. Because let’s face, many people are only interested in the link.

So pick a very specific blog post that’s perfectly aligned with your offering. Then show us how you would like to embed your link into the article in an unobtrusive way.

If the brand affiliation makes sense, and if the link is well-placed within the right article, we will embed it for $249/year. Payable through PayPal.


If you want to License our content.

All content on the Brand Insight Blog and are covered under standard Copyright Law.

Direct licensing agreements are available, on a case-by-case basis. Please call us, or use the Contact form for more info.

Get to know the readership of the Brand Insight Blog

Our readers are just that – avid readers! They’re not afraid to go deep into a particular subject when they believe it’ll help their business or their career. They are curious, well-educated and driven to succeed.

  • Small-business owners who feel they have to do some of the marketing themselves.
  • Professionals in corporate marketing departments, big and small.
  • Entrepreneurs or aspiring entrepreneurs.
  • Academics — marketing professors,  biz-school professors and entrepreneur program advisors.
  • College students and young professionals getting their start in marketing.
  • Colleagues in the marketing & branding business.
  • Graphic Designers and social media specialists.


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